Club Rules

CLUB EPSILON is a DRAMA FREE CLUB and has ZERO TOLERANCE for it. Don’t bring drama in the club.
Anyone that tries to make trouble or bring drama in the club, will be warned and removed if he/she doesn’t stop.
Don’t bring anger or personal vendettas in the club. Club Epsilon is a place where everybody wants to have fun.
Trouble makers will be removed.


Respect each other, don’t make a habit to curse, or insult people.
CLUB EPSILON is a place where all people can relax and where they can leave their worries at the door.
Don’t harass people and respect their wishes. Respect the choice of other people and their way of thinking.
People are not the same and everyone has their own way of perspective in having a good time.
So let them. Same rule as everywhere ‘No means No!!


Club Epsilon is MULTI LANGUAGE


Club Epsilon has its streaming music and we are proud of it.
In special occasions we have live music by DJ’s and we will advertise for it.
This doesn’t mean everyone has the right to advertise their own DJ’s or music.
So don’t advertise in the Club for others then the Club Epsilon DJ’s.
Advertising other clubs or region is not allowed. Only EPSILON related advertising is allowed.


So you have learned a new trick…. and you can turn your ass in a Volkswagen…. Congratulations….
Perhaps you should stop playing with your weener/dildo for a while…
But hacks of any kind are not allowed anywhere on the internet, so why try at Club Epsilon? And we don’t like it.
So don’t come in the club as a Ferrari, walking vibrator with a Paris Hilton face or a flying natcho.
It can lead to removal or a ban.


Respect the Club Staff Members at all times.
They are here to help you and to make your stay in EPSILON as pleasant as possible.


Dance teams and inviters are considered as “Staff”. This means that they deserve the same respect. If you feel the need to attack them in local chat, you will be removed from the club.


Not respecting these rules of conduct and if you get a warning for misbehavior from one of the staff members, can lead to get booted out of the club or even banned from all Epsilon regions.


Club EPSILON is not responsible for having babies by one of the guests you just met here.
We also are not responsible for broken relationships or marriages.
So leave that drama out of the club.
Club EPSILON is not responsible for any damage that might come to your computer due to hacking, viruses or any other kind of third party intrusion of your system.


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